JMF Installation Mini-HOWTO (2004-10-30)
This little HOWTO describes how to install the Java Media Framework
Please also see the setup instructions on
Download the JMF Linux Performance Pack from here:
Place the downloaded file
in the directory
where you want to install JMF, for example /usr/lib
Make sure that the
executable is in your PATH. Just try the command
java -version
to verify that.
Start the installation with
sh ./jmf-2_1_1e-linux-i586.bin
. You will be asked
if you want to permit recording from an applet, it is quite safe to say "yes" here, but
you probably won't need it. Then you will be asked if you want to allow writing local files
from an applet, here it is recommended to say "no". As JTVD is not an applet, it doesn't
require any of these two permissions.
After these questions have been answered, the installer creates a directory called
extracts the files from the archive and starts querying the video and audio devices it has found
in order to create the JMF registry. This may take a moment. Errors like "java.lang.Error:
Can't open video card 1"
usually don't mean that there is anything wrong.
If you see the error "JMF-2.1.1e/bin/jmfinit: line 88: exec: java: not found"
you just have to make sure that the java
executable is in your PATH and then run
manually in order to build the registry. Without the registry,
applications like JTVD will not be able to find any video or audio devices.
To complete the installation, you should set the environment variables JMFHOME, CLASSPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH
according to the JMF installation path you have chosen. If you for example have installed JMF to
, then you could add the following lines to your .profile
export JMFHOME=/usr/lib/JMF-2.1.1e
export CLASSPATH=.:$CLASSPATH:$JMFHOME/lib/jmf.jar
Please note, that JTVD does not require this, as you can set JMFHOME in the startup script jtvd
the script then takes care of the rest.